I was sick for over 2 months. It started with poison ivy (severe), which caused cellulitis. I took antibiotics to treat the cellulitis and a steroid to treat the poison ivy. I then got a cold and a yeast infection. At this time, I knew my immune system was compromised and that it would take a while to get it back on track. I decided that it was time to take a different direction in my health. I turned to natural remedies. For my cold, I got plenty of rest and vitamin C. For my yeast infection I treated it with tea tree oil and coconut oil. The natural remedies worked, but I still had a lot to do to repair the damage the antibiotics and steroids had done to my body. I got sick again. This time with the flu. I was in bed for three days. Then, I got Impetigo (a staph infection). I was now faced with another serious infection and I knew that my immune system was not strong at this point. Should I take another prescribed antibiotic and risk further weakening my immune system? I decided to take a big step and try this amazing and simple natural remedy. And it worked! I was so excited! Not only had I treated the Impetigo, I protected my body from the damage prescribed antibiotics cause while helping my body get back on track.
What is this amazing Remedy?
Garlic is natures antibiotic! It is completely natural and becomes an assistant to your immune system. I know it is a bit scary to take a chance on something as simple as garlic when you have something as serious as an infection but it works! I have used garlic for many infections such as mastitis, impetigo, and ear infections. I treat the infection for a full ten days even if the infection appears gone. No matter what type of infection I have, I am eating one clove of raw garlic twice a day. Now you can do that in various forms. They have garlic pills you can purchase but I chop a clove of garlic up into pill-sized pieces and swallow them as if I were taking pills. You can also mince a clove of garlic and put it into applesauce (that is what my children like to do) It is important to take the raw garlic internally so that it can boost your immune system and help your body fight the infection.

How to use garlic as a topical antibiotic:
10 cloves of garlic sliced
1 cup of olive oil
Put the garlic into a covered jar along with the olive oil and let sit it together for 24 hrs and it is ready to use. Strain the garlic pieces out of the olive oil for prolonged storage.
Strain the garlic pieces out of the olive oil for prolonged storage.
To use: Rub the oil on the infection. If it is for the ear, 2-3 drops 2-3 times a day.
If you prefer to purchase it rather than make it yourself; you can purchase garlic mullen here.
Please note: I am not a physician. I am merely sharing my experience and what works for me.
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